ChatGPT meets Groovy one-liners
Published: 2023-10-19 06:00PM
I asked ChatGPT if it could represent some short/one-liner programming-related dad jokes as short/one-liner Groovy scripts. It’s responses were initially a little underwhelming but after some coercing and some "post-production tweaking", this blog post contains the result. Be forewarned, that the quality of the puns is mixed.
But before starting, Groovy makes an excellent language for interacting with cloud-based Generative AI systems. You can check out the following GitHub repo that shows how to talk to ChatGPT using Groovy and Micronaut. This example is in turn based on Ken Kousen's similar example in Java. Check out his excellent video on the topic. Also check out Guillaume Laforge's recent posts about using Groovy to talk to Google’s Bard via its PaLM 2 API and using LangChain4J.
Having said that, we just used the Web UI for this blog post. Now, let’s have a look at some of those PUNch lines…
We can check that with the following Groovy script:
def christmas = 25 // dec
def halloween = 031 // oct
assert christmas == halloween
We can check that with the following Groovy script:
assert 'Groovy' == 'Go'.take(1) + 'R'.toLowerCase() +
'Python'['Perl'.size()] * 2 +
'Java'['C#'.size()] + 'Ruby'[-1]
We combine the Expando
class with the Elvis operator and Groovy truth to check this fact:
def money = intelli = new Expando()
def rich = money.cache ?: intelli.cents ?: null?.stocks
assert !rich
We create a "sortable" Chocolate
record making use of default parameters and declarative augmentation. Then we create a Box
class which delegates to List
. We then create a box of chocolates and check it is "a-sorted" using the toString()
@Sortable @ToString(ignoreNulls = true)
record Chocolate(int cocoa, String filling = null) {}
class Box { @Delegate List<Chocolate> contents }
var box = new Box(contents: [
new Chocolate(80),
new Chocolate(50, 'Caramel')
assert box.toString() == '[Chocolate(50, Caramel), Chocolate(80)]'
Let’s take the word 'melons' and jumble it around a bit using Groovy’s flexible indexing to see if we get 'lemons':
def dyslexic = 'melons'[2..0,3..-1] == 'lemons'
assert dyslexic
Let’s create a LocalTime
of 6:30 and check that the hands are pointing down. The minute hand travels 360 degrees in 60 minutes,
so 6 degrees per minute. We can check at 6:30 that it is pointing straight down (180Β°).
The hour hand travels 360Β° in 720 minutes (1/2 a day), so we divide the total minutes by 2. The total minutes is 60 times the number of hours plus the minutes for the current hour.
At 6:30, we know the hour hand will have travelled halfway between the 6 and 7 hour markers (15Β°) but for our test we’ll
just make sure it is point down (we’ll say within 20Β° of straight down which we’ll specify as a range). Here is the result:
def (h, m) = LocalTime.of(6, 30)[HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE_OF_HOUR]
assert 6 * m == 180L
assert (h * 60 + m).intdiv(2) in 180L..200L
To show this with Groovy, we should first declare our ignorance and apathy. Then we calculate the difference and finally check our assertions:
int ignorance, apathy
int know = care = ignorance - apathy
assert !know && !care
Sure, run this script:
def (first, second) = ['egg', 'chicken'].shuffled()
println "Which came first, the $first or the $second? The eternal debate!"
It really just asks the question in two different orders, but I’m sure you get the idea.
Since death and taxes are certain, we should store a quote
about them in an immutable structure.
A record offers shallow immutability and works well for this.
For deep immutability, consider using the @Immutable
AST transform,
so here even though our quotes are stored in a mutable ArrayList,
there is no way to change it.
Here is an example:
record Quote(String text, String author, int year) { }
var q1 = new Quote('Perfection is immutable. But for things imperfect, change is the way to perfect them.', 'Owen Feltham', 1840)
var q2 = new Quote('Nothing is certain except death and taxes.', 'Benjamin Franklin', 1789)
class FavoriteQuotes { List<Quote> list }
var favorites = new FavoriteQuotes([q1, q2])
Let’s use traits to check best friends for diamonds and dogs:
trait HasBestFriend {
abstract String friend()
boolean isBestFriend(String candidate) {
friend() == candidate
class Diamond implements HasBestFriend {
String friend() { 'girl' }
class Dog implements HasBestFriend {
String friend() { 'man' }
assert ['man', 'girl'].collect{
[new Diamond().isBestFriend(it),
new Dog().isBestFriend(it)]
} == [[false, true], [true, false]]
Who knew that Cars and Smartphones had anything to do with each other, but the trend seems to be companies want to get involved in both. Similarly, if you have two classes that apparently have nothing to do with one another, Groovy’s duck typing, or in this case property handling might allow you to use them together more easily than you think.
import groovy.transform.*
record Smartphone(String make, String model, String color, int year) { }
record Car(String make, String model, String color, int year) { }
def s = new Smartphone('Landrover', 'Explore', 'Black', 2018)
def c = new Car(s.toMap())
assert c.toString() == 'Car[make=Landrover, model=Explore, color=Black, year=2018]'
Let’s first show how Groovy could help us find some droids that we are looking for. Drones are hardest to find when there are several clone look-a-likes. We won’t mention the clone wars!
We’ll create a shuffled list of droids and their clones, and then search for the ones we are after:
@AutoClone class Droid { String name }
def r2d2 = new Droid(name: 'R2-D2')
def c3po = new Droid(name: 'C-3PO')
def droids = [r2d2, c3po]
3.times {
droids << r2d2.clone()
droids << c3po.clone()
droids.eachWithIndex { droid, index ->
if (droid == r2d2) println "Droid $index is $"
if (droid == c3po) println "Droid $index is $"
If we don’t want to output the index where we found the droid, we can use an alternative expression to show that the droids we are after are found:
assert droids.any{ }
assert droids.any{ }
Of course, Obi-Wan uses a Jedi mind trick which we can show here using some Groovy metaprogramming, in this case a category class:
class JediMindTrick {
static boolean is(Droid d, Droid other) { false }
use(JediMindTrick) {
assert !droids.any{ }
assert !droids.any{ }
As shown here:
try {
pet.say('Pieces of 7')
} catch(ParrotyError e) {
var plank = e.stackTrace
By definition, pure functions always return
the same result for the same inputs.
As such, a potential optimization for pure functions
is to cache the result for a given set of input values.
Groovy provides the @Memoized
AST transform to do this
(and a .memoized()
method call for Closures).
Let’s write a StringUtil
that has an almost pure function. The return value of the bothCases
is a pure function in terms of its inputs. It returns a list containing
the lowercase and uppercase values for the input string.
It also has a side effect of incrementing a counter whenever it is called;
this is just so we can understand what is going on.
class StringUtil {
static int count = 0
static List<String> bothCases(String s) {
[s.toLowerCase(), s.toUpperCase()]
We apply the @Memoized
annotation to bothCases
which enables the automatic
caching. The annotation has a number of optional annotation attributes for
configuring the caching behavior, but we’ll just use the defaults.
We can see that for constant arguments, 'Foo' called twice in our case,
that there is no need to invoke the bothCases
method on the second call,
since we can use the cached value from the previous call.
assert StringUtil.count == 0
assert StringUtil.bothCases('Foo') == ['foo', 'FOO']
assert StringUtil.count == 1
assert StringUtil.bothCases('Foo') == ['foo', 'FOO']
assert StringUtil.count == 1
println "Binary: It's as easy as ${(1..3).collect{ Integer.toBinaryString(it) }.join(', ')}"
assert 40 == Math.round(37/10)*10
String[] celebrate = ['hip', 'hip']