Community Over Code (Europe) 2024

Author: Paul King

Published: 2024-06-17 05:00PM

This year’s European edition of the ASF conference, Community Over Code EU, featured three in-person days of sessions (June 3-5) in Bratislava, Slovakia, including a Groovy track on the last day.

The presentation slides and audio/video (where available) are still being added onto the conference site. If additional material becomes available, this post will be updated with links to the additional content.

This post gives a short trip report on the conference mostly focussed on the Groovy track.

The Conference, Venue, and Host city

The conference was hosted at the Radisson Blu Carlton in Bratislava, Slovakia. The facilities were great, and it was a great city to visit.

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Kudos to all involved for making the event a fruitful and rewarding one!

Highlights from the Groovy BoF and Groovy Track

We had a very engaging Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) session with various users of the Groovy programming language including a large contingent from the Apache OFBiz project. We also discussed some of the reasons why Groovy is still a compelling language choice in 2024.

Why use Groovy in 2024?

This talk looked at some of the compelling reasons for using Groovy today.

Some highlights:

  • Groovy’s 80+ AST transforms allow you to write concise declarative style code. As one example, here’s an example of a deeply immutable Book class with additional generated code for comparators (sorting), custom serialization and deserialization, and some special JavaBean index handling code:

    AST transform example

  • Groovy’s 2000+ extension methods enrich the Java class libraries with additional functionality. As one example, primitive array extensions speed up certain operations where you might otherwise use streams:

    performance of primitive int array extension methods

  • Groovy’s operator overloading and extensible tooling greatly simplifies use of the libraries and APIs that Java programmers are familiar with. Here’s an example of using Apache Commons Math:

    matrix example

  • Groovy has excellent scripting and domain specific language (DSL) support. As one example, in about 10 lines of code, you can write a statically-typed DSL for working with Roman numerals. Once the DSL is defined, you can use it in scripts like this:

    assert [LVII + LVII, V * III, V ** II, IV..(V+I), [X, V, I].sort()]
        == [       cxiv,      xv,     xxv,, [i, v, x]       ]

    Invalid roman numerals are detected at compile-time:


Check out the slide deck for more information.

Classifying Iris flowers with Groovy, Deep Learning, and GraalVM

This talk looked at the machine language problem of classification using a classic Iris flowers dataset.


  • Classification predicts the class of something using models trained on measured features given a known class:


  • The case study uses a well-known Iris dataset. The measured features are sepal width and length, and petal width and length:


  • First, a number of classic algorithms for doing classification were examined including the Naïve Bayes algorithm, here using the Weka data science library:


  • Then neural networks are explained. A potential network for the case study is shown here:


  • Each node acts like a neuron in the human brain: classifiation

  • Several libraries for deep learning were discussed including Deep Netts:


  • Compiling the script using the Groovy compiler with the --compile-static switch and then using GraalVM to build a native image gave a more than 10 times speed increase:


Check out the slide deck for more information.

Getting Started with the Micronaut Framework

Sergio del Amo gave a talk on Getting Started with the Micronaut Framework, in particular its support for using Groovy when building microservices. slide deck first slide


  • The speed of Micronaut applications comes from its ahead-of-time approach:

    Using Micronaut Launch

  • Micronaut supports a range of runtimes:

    Using Micronaut Launch

  • Micronaut supports a range of messaging technologies:

    Using Micronaut Launch

  • Micronaut supports a range of persistence technologies:

    Using Micronaut Launch

  • Micronaut supports a range of view technologies:

    Using Micronaut Launch

  • You can create Microservices applications using Micronaut launch:

    Using Micronaut Launch

Check out the slide deck for more information.

This talk looked at the machine language problem of clustering using a well-known whiskey flavor profiles dataset.


  • The case study looked at how to cluster 86 single malt scotch whiskies based on rankings of 12 flavor categories:

    Whiskey flavour profiles

  • There are different algorithms that can be used to do the clustering. K-Means clustering was the key algorithm covered:

    The k-means algorithm

  • The talk covers using vanilla data science libraries including Apache Commons Math to solve this problem, then looks at how you might scale up the problem using a range of Apache technologies. The first technology considered was Apache Ignite. First we read in the data:

    Whiskey flavour profiles

  • Then we use Ignite’s distributed clustering libraries to find the centroids:

    Whiskey flavour profiles

  • Various options to tweak the algorithm and various ways to visualize the results were examined:

    Whiskey flavour profiles with Ignite

  • The same case study was also done using Spark:

    Whiskey flavour profiles with Apache Spark

  • The same case study was also done using Apache Wayang:

    Whiskey flavour profiles with Wayang

  • The same case study was also done using Apache Beam (Python-style version shown here):

    Whiskey flavour profiles with Beam

  • The same case study was also done using Apache Flink:

    Whiskey flavour profiles with Flink

The speakers: The speakers


Community over Code EU also featured a dedicated area for poster sessions. Corridor conversations are a key part of any ASF conference. The posters provided a complimentary way to trigger conversations as well as to learn about a range of topics if the folks who might know all about those topics aren’t in the corridor at the same time as you.

Posters Why use Groovy in 2024? Poster

Check out the Groovy poster!

Other information

See also:

Other trip reports:

Upcoming Community Over Code conferences: