Using Apache NetBeans with Apache Groovy

Author:  Paul King
PMC Member

Published: 2025-02-25 10:15PM

Let’s try using the latest Apache NetBeans with Apache Groovy.

The Apache NetBeans project recently announced the release of Apache NetBeans 25. Let’s take it for a spin with Apache Groovy.

We’ll assume you have downloaded it as per the NetBeans download page. If you haven’t used NetBeans with Groovy before, you might need to enable to Groovy plugin. Select Tools → Plugins → Installed, Check Groovy and click on Activate, when finished, you should see a screen like this:

enabling the groovy plugin

Next, we are going to create a new project, select File → New Project…​ → Groovy with Gradle.

creating a new project

Select Groovy Application then click Next.

Now, fill in the project details:

entering project details

We are going to create a little script that uses some fraction functionality from the Apache Commons Number library. We’ll call the project fractions. Click Finish when ready.

This now creates a partially filled out project using the Gradle init task. It defines some useful libraries, sets up test and main source sets for us, creates a versions catalog, and creates an app subproject. It has set up some nice dependencies like the Spock testing framework, but we won’t use that in this post.

So, for our little script, we’ll prune back the dependencies to just those we need. The versions toml file becomes:

groovy = "3.0.22"
commons-numbers-fraction = "1.2"

groovy = { module = "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy", version.ref = "groovy" }
numbers-fraction = { module = "org.apache.commons:commons-numbers-fraction", version.ref = "commons-numbers-fraction" }

We’ll also prune the Gradle build file slightly to this:

plugins {
    id 'groovy'
    id 'application'

repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation libs.groovy
    implementation libs.numbers.fraction

java {
    toolchain {
        languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(21)

application {
    mainClass = 'App'

We can now create our script. It’s just one import statement and then one line of code:

NetBeans IDE showing simple script

Running the script shows the expected output of 5 / 6. The fractions library is good at getting exact results which might otherwise be prone to rounding errors.

Let’s try a bit of Groovy fun. We’ll define a category to make working with fractions a little nicer. Groovy supports a number of metapgramming mechanisms that let you add methods to classes at compile time or runtime. In this case, we’ll add a div method to the Integer class and a plus method to the Fraction class. These happen to be methods designed to work with Groovy’s operator overloading.

The use method lets us apply this change to a select code block. That way we won’t impact using the Integer and Fraction classes without these changes in other places.

NetBeans IDE showing script with category

The magic is in the code fragment println 1 / 3 + 1 / 2. The expression 1 / 3 works like a factory method for fractions. The + operator adds the fractions.

As an aside, Groovy’s compiler configuration and scripting support means that we could hide away the definition of the FractionCategory class and the use call if we wanted to, leaving a script with just the println 1 / 3 + 1 / 2 statement. This might be appropriate if we were setting up an environment for data scientists to write script with fractions.

But we haven’t finished yet. IDE’s should let us debug our code. Let’s put a breakpoint on the statement in the plus method of the FractionCategory class, and then run with debug.

NetBeans IDE showing script debugging

Execution has halted. We can inspect the self and other variables and add watch expressions like other.doubleValue().

The default Groovy version generated by the Gradle init invocation earlier was the latest Groovy 3 version. But we can easily change that. Let’s swap to Groovy 5 (currently in alpha releases) and look at a new Groovy 5 feature, the OperatorRename AST transform.

If provides an alternative to our earlier category. Simplify slightly, it changes operator overloading in early parsing. You can use operator overloading in the source code, and it is renamed to normal method calls, removing the need for subsequent metaprogramming.

using Groovy 5

So, the + in the assert statement at line 6 is converted into an add method call instead of Groovy’s normal plus operator overloading method call. You can read more about this new feature in the Groovy 5 release notes.